A preparatory workshop meeting within the TIMMOD project network took place online on 16 July 2020. The event was organized and hosted by the GA T2 Leader Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. and had the purpose to introduce to partners forthcoming works on ASSESSMENT and RECOMMENDATION on ADVANCED HYDRO-ENVIRONMENTAL NUMERICAL TOOLS for DATA HANDLING, REAL-TIME CONTROL and FORECASTING of MARINE CONDITIONS in the BLACK SEA. Meeting was attended by representative of all project partners. Works on this activity starts in September 2020 and will last until March 2022, when the main outcomes - 4 ICT tools will be completed: 1) Web-based open GIS tool for implementation of modelled data by stakeholders and end-users; 2) Operational Forecast Platform (OFP) for water quality/circulation in the Black Sea; 3) Web-based Mobile Data Tool; codes, smartphone apps and SMS mobile services for forecast data acquisition and management, and water quality updates or alerts; 4) Database tool of hydro-environmental monitoring and modelling output and future projections.