The overall project objective is: To improve joint environmental monitoring and modelling, by facilitating Technology Innovation, to improve the availability and quality of data, the cooperation in sharing of data for water quality, biodiversity statistics, assessment of fish and non-fish living resources of the Black Sea - in line with the EU’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), Data Collection Framework (DCF), Blue Growth Strategy, Black Sea Convention on Environmental Protection and other EU and regional policies and conventions.
Promoting Innovation aims to utilize new tools, approaches and technology to assist implementation of EU policies and programmes. BSB CBC programme is the appropriate platform to accelerate the technological upgrade that is not otherwise possible by a single effort of a single country or a single sector.
Specific objectives (SO) are:
1) Achieve enhanced capacity of project partner organisations (and other stakeholders), to provide, use, and share, reliable and compatible environmental data for water quality parameters, fish and non-fish living resources
2) Achieve better cooperation, improved environmental data-sharing between Black Sea partners, by creation of a set of ICT shared tools
3) Put on the agenda an Innovation Strategy, designed to bring together (national, regional, EU) regulations and permits, combined with new monitoring and information technology, expanded transparency, and innovative enforcement.
SO1 will be achieved by elaboration of a detailed inventory on technology innovation (incl. future and emerging technologies), and review on best practices, tested and demonstrated in Pilot Demonstration Projects (in the sea space near Bulgaria and Georgia).
SO2 will be achieved by comprehensive analysis on various ICT tools for data handling and numerical modelling of marine environment, including high-level implementation of ocean-current modelling, and development of web-based data tools, integrated in a pilot demonstration Monitoring and Modelling Data Sharing Platform (MMDSP).
SO3 Innovation Strategy is intended to scale-up the project results in all Black Sea area for years ahead - in line with the rapid technological growth – this way to secure sustainability of project results for “improving joint environmental monitoring”.