1st Thematic Transboundary Meeting (TTM), Chisinau, Moldova
Transboundary & regional cooperation issues of monitoring of environmental parameters and assessment of fish stock & non-fishing resources at Black Sea.
The First Thematic Transboundary Meeting (TTM) was organized on 12 and 13 November 2020, with the main goal to raise awareness of researchers, surveyors and decision makers in the area of monitoring of environmental parameters and assessment of fish stock & non-fishing resources at Black Sea. An essential output for the TIMMOD project was provided on joint application of innovative systems in marine environment monitoring services, and cross-border data exchange – contributing to BSB Program result 2.1 "Improved availability of cross-border compatible environmental monitoring data and information".
The 1st TTM was hosted by Regional Environmental Centre – Moldova. Due to COVID-19 situation it was organized as an “online/hybrid” meeting –online meeting hosted in MS TEAMS, and face-to-face meeting in the conference room with local participants. The 1st TTM was attended by more than 60 participants from 6 partner countries. The focus of the event was the report “Situational Analysis of monitoring of environmental parameters and assessment of fish stock & non-fishing resources at Black Sea, and the associated technological and methodological issues”, prepared within the project.
Main topics of discussion during the meeting were the analysis of the current state of Black Sea fish stock &non-fishing resources; needs & demands of environmental monitoring; inventory on existing organizational and human resources; inventory on equipment, sensors, vessels, etc.
A separate seminar session was devoted to Innovations in Marine Environmental Research, when five presentations from five countries were delivered in the fields of methods and tools for estimation of the fish stock, water quality monitoring, blue economy, etc.