The 4th Dissemination Event of the TIMMOD project was organized on 7th of July 2021 in Varna, Bulgaria as a hybrid meeting with live participation of involved partners, stakeholders and guests in Art Saloon Radio Varna and online participants in MS Teams platform. The event was hosted by Project Partner 2 – Black Sea - Danube Association of Research and Development (BDCA) - Varna.


The aim of the event was to present in local language the TIMMOD project in a nutshell in front of different local stakeholders and interested parties. The main goals, activities, and expected results of the TIMMOD project were presented with a focus on the activities led by the Bulgarian partners IFR and BDCA together with the ongoing tasks within the project. Participants from different stakeholders such as Executive Agency of Fisheries and Aquaculture (EAFA) at the Minister of Agriculture and Foods, Naval Academy- Varna, Marine Cluster Bulgaria, Black Sea Basin Directorate, Marine Administration – Varna, Bulgarian Ship Hydrodynamics Centre showed great interested in the project and actively participated in the dissemination event.

Main results of the field research and the pilot demonstrations tests and training for practical use of innovative hardware and software tools were presented during the event. The demonstration program and training were carried out on board of a scientific research vessel  in the end of June and beginning of July 2021 along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The application of modern innovative technologies for hydrographic measurements and survey, monitoring of fish schools and non-fish resources, measurements of basic physical and chemical sea water parameters, numerical modelling , data sharing and dissemination via web-GIS were the most discussed topics.

The project was also presented to the wider public in a special interview for local media:  "Innovative Technologies for assessment of fish stock and non fish resources".


The next Dissemination Event of the TIMMOD project is going to take place in Batumi, Georgia in November 2021.

TIMMOD activities at a glance

Group Activity T1

Inventory and promotion of innovative environmental monitoring technologies for assessment of fish stock and non fish living resources. This activity aims at the elaboration of an Inventory of Innovative water monitoring technologies for monitoring of chemical, physical and biological parameters, and assessment of living resources.

Group Activity T2

Assessment and recommendation on advanced hydro-environmental numerical tools for data handling, real-time control and forecasting of marine conditions in the Black Sea. The main aim is to broaden the focus of traditional data processing and numerical modelling approaches by taking into account the holistic perspective in the analysis.

Group Activity T3

Pilot demonstration project on innovative monitoring using advance methods and instruments. Selecting innovative instrumentation, data handling and numerical modelling tools that are going to be demonstrated in two sea areas/test sites in Varna and Batumi.

Group Activity T4

Innovation Strategy to improve joint monitoring, data sharing and cross border information exchange systems in compliance with Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Data Collection Framework. This activity aims to develop common Strategy for supporting the implementation of modern technological upgrade in joint environmental monitoring, in service of the cross border cooperation and data sharing systems.

TIMMOD activities are in full swing. Please contact us to follow TIMMOD activities progress in detail, as well as if you wish to receive latest technical reports elaborated by the project team.


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